


Do you think that these are the best solutions for your problem?

Health Benefits of Honey

Controlling Cholesterol
What's happening my friends? It's Friday and I am enjoying the fact that I live in a state that has nice weather pretty much all year. Well except summer. It can get pretty hot them but I digress!
I wanted to chat with you about some of the health benefits of honey as it relates to your cholesterol. I know some of you are trying to clean up your life and get back to a healthy state of mind and body for that matter, and today I am sharing some information about mother nature's little secret - and that is honey!
Now I am not talking about your run of the mill store-bought honey that some of you might be thinking of. No way. I am referring to you your local, raw,organic honey, that in my case, I get right of the side of the road! Yes, that's right, I am talking honey from a local bee keeper who happens to sell relief to many common aliments we, as a society have today. More on my honey dealer later!
If you are like me, you do your best to educate yourself and learn how you can control or even lower your cholesterol the natural way without buying into the notion that you must do westernized medication in order to keep from having a heart attack. Well let me introduce to you something that is not put into a pill and is in my opinion, much better than the medication that ends up damaging your liver. Meet honey and cinnamon.
Would you believe me if I told you that many of our problems today (ADHD, obesity, cancers, etc) could be eradicated just by going back to the basics of life and keeping things simple? Maybe you would, maybe you wouldn't but I can tell you what works for me and hopefully it can work for you! Fair enough?
Just so you know, I had a heart attack back when I was 29 and it was due largely to the fact I had a clogged artery. Yes it was a 50% blockage along with the stresses of military life that caused the myocardial infarction.
So the docs put me on Statins, which are drugs to help lower cholesterol. Trouble is, after months of taking that stuff blindly, meaning not asking why should I take this because I thought the doctor, trained in western philosophy of "give em a pill and they will be okay, who is my next patient" I found it to be damaging to my liver, and causing more problems than what I was taking the pill for in the first place!
To make a long story short, I started educated myself on what I could do to prevent this from happening again, the natural way and bam, you have raw honey and cinnamon. Things that have been around since the beginning of time!
Did you know (this is your take away from this post) that by mixing 2 table spoons of cinnamon powder mixed in about 16 ounces of tea water, you can lower your cholesterol by 10%? This is huge for those trying to do it the natural way like me!
So I wanted to make sure you knew this and implemented this into your life so as to help you create a better life by making better choices! I hope I have somehow eluded to the fact that I am here to educate and not manipulate, so do me a favor and let me know what you thought of this post! If you liked it, then share it with someone you know, like and trust! If you did not like this post, then some guys in black suits will come and visit you and wipe you memory from you, and you can go on about your life!
That is all I have for you today my friend! As I sign off, let me remind you that... "Your Purpose Must Be Bigger Than Your Problems!" If you are inspired by that you can find more on our motivational page. Please like it and share with those you love!
Here are more fun facts about bees!
  • A honeybee can fly approximately 15 miles per hour.
  • A honeybee will flap its wings about 11,000 times per minute creating that "BUZZ" sound.
  • A typical beehive makes more than 400 pounds of honeycomb per year.
For more information about my bee dealer listen to my commercial and call Chris to get your own!
Chris Henkins 480-773-0073
My purpose in life is to: Impact, Inspire, and Improve the lives of Others!
I am enjoying the path of purpose I am on and I look forward to helping others reach their best self!
We all have a purpose in life, so what is yours?
It's not about me, it's about the purpose of M.E.