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Why Is It Important To Have A Strong Core?

Everyone's talking about your core. Your core is the part of your body from your shoulders to the pelvic floor. Everything you do uses your core muscles, which include your abs, pelvis, chest and back muscles. A strong core is important for good balance, stability and flexibility. Most sports and other physical activities depend on stable core muscles so you need to keep them in shape by doing exercises that will strengthen them. Building core strength could also improve your posture and may protect you from lower back pain. Improving and strengthening the core is also the key to building strong abdominals. Of course most everyone's main goal is to improve their physique but you should also focus on keeping yourself fit.
Remember there are no secrets when it comes to core training exercises and developing the core muscles; you have to train hard and keep a proper diet in order to achieve your goals. Many times people use the wrong technique when it comes to building their core muscles. They think that by performing thousands of crunches and push-ups they can develop strong core muscles. Because there are so many muscle groups involved, several exercises are necessary to build core strength.
Maintaining a proper diet is also essential for a strong core. It is important for you to stay on a low calorie diet and eat healthy foods such as vegetables, whole grains and fruits, and avoid fatty foods and processed carbohydrates, these can lead to the buildup of fats in the body.
Exercises to build core strength
Core exercises do not require any specialized equipment or a gym membership. Any exercise that uses the trunk of your body without support counts as a core exercise. Let's start with a few exercises for your abs and then move onto exercises for your back muscles. The goal is to repeat the exercises until your muscles are fatigued.
  • Sit-ups are the classic exercise for strengthening the abdominals, but some people find that they strain the neck muscles. Correct form is very important. You should start sit-ups with your knees bent and your lower back against the floor. Crossing your arms on your chest produces less strain than locking your hands behind your head. Make sure you bend at the waist as you sit up, not at your neck.
  • Back Extension can be performed by lying face down on a mat or you can use a padded bench that has a place to anchor your feet. Begin by placing your hands on the floor or behind the head (if you are using a bench). Tighten your ab muscles and keep them tight throughout the exercise. Flex the back to lift the chest a few inches off the floor or bench. Lower and repeat. To increase the intensity, you can also lift the legs off the floor at the same time. When using a bench it is a more advanced move because you have a wider range of motion. This exercise strengthens the lower back.
  • Leg Lifts can be performed by lying on your back on the floor or seated in a chair. To perform from the floor, lie on your back with your legs straight out and your hands at your sides. Tighten your abdominal muscles and squeeze the buttocks while pressing the small of your back to the floor; this puts the spine in a neutral position. Lift the legs straight up without bending the knees until they are at a ninety-degree angle. Then slowly lower back down and repeat without letting your legs touch the floor. You can do this with both legs at the same time or one leg at a time. To perform from a chair, hold on to the sides of the chair and lean back, tighten your abdominal muscles and squeeze the buttocks, raise the legs until the feet are approximately 6-12 inches off the ground. Hold this position for a few seconds, and return to the starting position.
Concentrate on doing each exercise with correct technique and proper form. Gradually build up to 10 to 15 repetitions of each exercise. Also remember to take a break when you need one. If you work your core muscles to fatigue during an exercise session, wait at least a day between workouts to give your muscles time to recover.
Whether you are a beginner taking your first steps toward fitness, or a committed fitness enthusiast trying to optimize your results, a well-rounded fitness program that includes aerobic and muscular fitness exercises is the best way to reach your fitness goals.
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