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Flu Prevention and Treatment With Home Remedies

The flu is caused by a number of similar viruses and spreads especially in winter, and can sometimes reach epidemic proportions. It spreads easily, especially in schools and institutions. Most people that are usually healthy, recover immediately, without needing medical intervention, but those with poorer health must consult a doctor.
Usually, the flu begins with chills, fever, muscle aches and sneezing. After these, the throat becomes sore, skin becomes sensitive to touch, eyes hurt, dry cough appears, a state of weakness persists for several weeks after the symptoms have passed.
Cold or flu?
Both the common cold and the flu cause sore throat, cough and runny nose. Although the flu usually manifests more severe symptoms, the only way to distinguish a cold from a serious flu is for the doctor to send throat and nose samples to the lab.
How to prevent the flu
Prepare your resistance to infections before the cold season. Even if you get the flu, there are chances that you develop a milder form.
  • Eat healthy
  • Do daily aerobic exercises.
  • Take multivitamin and mineral supplements every day (including beta-carotene, vitamin C and E, flavonoids, selenium and zinc).
  • Avoid fatigue and stress.
  • Avoid crowds in the flu season.
  • Drink echinacea tea, take tincture or tablets 2 or 3 times a week during winter. Take one dose every day, if you come in contact with someone who already got the flu.
  • Eat fresh garlic or take a garlic tablet every day.
  • Preventively, once every three weeks during winter take a homeopathic remedy.
Beware of infections
At the first sign of the flu, gargle in the morning and evening half a glass of warm water with 2 drops of tea tree and geranium oil.
How to treat the flu
Treat the flu seriously, because it can lead to severe complications. Stay home so you won't spread the infection and don't leave the bed, because you need all the strength to face the viruses. Pay attention to medicine which is sold without prescription: they can mask some unpleasant symptoms, making you think you are healthy when in reality, you still haven't healed yet. Stay at home at least one day after the temperature has returned to normal.
Drink plenty of fluids without alcohol and caffeine, like water, fruit juices, rye water and medicinal teas (which you'll see in the phytotherapy part). Blackcurrant tea can ease a sore throat and provide an additional amount of vitamin C, which fights the infection.
Find out more details and useful information, as well as other natural remedies that will help different physical and mental illnesses at