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Showing posts with label Watching TV Losing Weight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Watching TV Losing Weight. Show all posts

Avoid Munching While Watching TV To Help Continue Losing Weight

One of the worst ways to destroy an agenda to lose weight is to allow snacks to get the better of us. For many, it is very popular when urged to snack, to simply bring out a bag of potato chips and a tall glass of soda to satisfy that craving - especially when watching TV.
Be honest, is this a habit you find yourself doing on a regular basis?
If one of your main goals is to lose weight and get in shape, it is critical that you control yourself all day long, especially when at home after work and leisure time takes over. It's during these moments when most people lose focus and get careless while watching TV, reading a book, or using the computer. Think about your own habits after the 8'oclock hour. Do you find yourself snacking more often when your favorite tv show is on or when watching a movie?
If you know from past experience that you habitually snack while sitting on the couch enjoying a program on the tube, then you want to make sure you don't let the trend continue. When you allow yourself to snack in automatic mode while your attention is diverted on another activity, you usually consume far more than is appropriate. This is something you really don't want to continue doing especially if you're focusing on maintaining a diet conducive to lose weight.
When the mind is focused on something else, the hand unfortunately will continue tossing in snack after snack and pretty soon the entire container in your lap is empty leaving you bewildered wondering where it all went.
Nevertheless, many of us take part in some type of leisure activity whether it be watching television, reading a book, doing a puzzle, or merely using the computer. Regardless, if you are concerned with losing weight, then snacking while these activities are going on must be kept in check.
If you must have some type of snack during these moments, try at all cost to avoid the salty, sugary snacks that are littered with calories and opt for something that is light and healthy. You can find granola bars, rice cakes, fruits, veggies, yogurt, almonds, all that are only around 100 calories total. If you follow that snack with a large glass or two of water, that hunger craving you had moment ago will be a thing of the past.
Try this the next time you find yourself craving a snack while doing a leisure activity and see if you can quench the urge with a healthy, low calorie option. Once you accomplish this one time, you will be inspired to do this on a regular basis. If you are truly concerned with shedding weight and getting into shape, then it is vital that you keep the casual snacking moments in complete control. Don't let these random moments toss in hundreds of wasted calories when you are trying to lose weight. You will be stalling your success all due to an unnecessary splurge.
Gregory L. Gomez, M. Ed, has been teaching 5th grade in the LAUSD for 12 years and has recently embarked on a journey to lose weight. Follow his progress on as he strives to lose 60 pounds through dedicated exercise and eating healthy. Find the latest information at