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Showing posts with label Symptoms of Depression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Symptoms of Depression. Show all posts

5 Symptoms of Depression to Look for In Your Spouse

  In the United States, depression is an extremely common condition, affecting about one in 10 adults, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. While many may view depression symptoms as a weakness, the truth is that when left untreated, depression is a mental illness that can worsen other diseases and conditions.
People with asthma, arthritis, heart disease, cancer, obesity and diabetes are at higher risk of dying sooner when they also suffer from untreated depression. Depressed adults who are married are in an advantageous position. Husbands and wives often notice signs of depression even before the person who is actually suffering. With proper treatment, which can include anything from a regular fitness routine to seeing a therapist or taking medication, this is a very manageable condition.
Here are 5 symptoms of depression to look for in a spouse:
Loss of interest in daily activities: A person who is depressed may suddenly lose interest in activities they previously enjoyed. If a spouse once spent hours each week painting or was a fanatic reader but now just sits on the couch or seems lost in melancholy thought, it's a sign that they're depressed.
Mood changes and negativity: Feeling irritable, agitated, restless and violent mood swings are classic depression symptoms. Men and women tend to experience mood changes differently. Men, for instance, are more likely to turn their feelings inward, resulting in feelings of annoyance. Women are more likely to express their emotions and may be seen crying more often. For this reason, women are diagnosed with depression at higher rates than men. But in both situations, spouses are more likely to be argumentative or inattentive toward the needs of other family members.
Physical symptoms: Depression, while it is a mental condition, can manifest itself in physical ways. Adults who are depressed are more likely to get headaches, experience gastrointestinal problems and feel generally achy. To cope, many people turn to drugs or alcohol to alleviate both depression symptoms and the consequential aches and pains. Others will turn to sleeping more. In fact, changes in sleep patterns and drug and alcohol abuse are depression symptoms on their own.
Concentration problems: Leaving the house without his wallet, forgetting to pick up the dry cleaning, or a general lack of concentration are all classic signs that a person is feeling down. When someone is depressed, they tend to dwell on feelings of hopelessness or despair. They ruminate about certain topics, such as how to dig out of a financial hole or think about ways they could have prevented a job loss. When this happens, a person can become forgetful, tune out others and seem to be in their own world. While some people are naturally forgetful, when concentration problems begin plaguing a typically attentive spouse - especially one who has recently had personal problems - depression is a likely culprit.
Weight loss or weight gain: Many adults turn to either feeding or starving depression. Depression is a condition with biological manifestations. Some people find comfort in eating - specifically eating unhealthy sweets, chips and fast food. On the other hand, there's another group of people that when depressed they lose their appetite. In both cases, unusual weight gain or weight loss should be taken into consideration when diagnosing depression.
One of the worst things a spouse can do for a depressed husband or wife is hope that the feelings eventually go away. Since the risk for abusive behaviors, which can mean turning outwardly violent or inflicting self-harm, is so high, it's crucial for a spouse to encourage her partner to get help.
This article was written and posted by Ross Taylor on behalf of Bay Area psychologist Dr. Natalie Gelman. From her Alameda office, Natalie offers services in therapy for children, teens, and adults.

Symptoms of Depression - A Brief Guide

If you, or a loved one is exhibiting signs that indicate they're suffering symptoms of depression, this guide maybe for you. Depression is considered a medical condition that affects one in every ten people in a variety of ways. Bi-Polar disorder, anxiety, phobias and thoughts of suicide are all part of the spectrum that make up depression and mental illness. In the United States alone, approximately 15 million adults experience depression symptoms and have been officially diagnosed with the condition.
 While it is common to experience mental symptoms of depression, it is also quite common to experience physiological depression symptoms too. This may be referred to as "Clinical Depression", "Major Depression", and/or "Major Depressive Disorder". The condition not only impacts how you feel, it also impacts your thought processes. Additionally, it may impact your behaviour, usually in a negative way, which impacts your relationships with family, friends and co-workers.
 If you suffer from the symptoms of depression, you may find that it is exceptionally difficult to perform daily activities that many simply take for granted. You may also encounter moments when you question whether or not life is worth living. If you find that any of these sounds familiar, or you can recognise them in another, it is important to understand the fundamental signs of depression so you can take action before it is too late.
Identifying Medical Depression
The organization referred to as the "National Institute of Mental Health" has identified numerous symptoms that are commonly associated with depression. These are based on medical records, studies and interviews with those that have been diagnosed, and live with the condition. Each case is different, and depression affects no two people in the same way, however there are consistencies among sufferers that form a pattern, and the backbone of identifying depression. The most commonly experienced symptoms of depression are:
· Most sufferers will experience a persistent feeling of sadness. The individuals that experience this symptom may feel empty on the inside, and may even experience some degree of anxiousness.
· It is quite common for depression sufferers to lose interest in things that they once enjoyed, such as hobbies and other activities that were once considered to be enjoyable or pleasurable.
· Cognitive complications such as the ability to remember information, recall information, the ability to concentrate and the ability to make sound decisions may become evident when depressed.
· It is common for a sufferer to feel guilty, helpless and to feel as if they lack the worth that they once felt that they had in life and with others.
· Decreased energy levels and increased fatigue levels are common symptoms of depression.
· A sufferer may feel as if their situation or their life is hopeless and may start to exhibit persistent pessimism.
· Mood swings and complications such as being extremely irritable are considered common depression symptoms. Periods of mania are followed by extreme lows, this is typically known as Bi-Polar disorder.
· Most people with symptoms of depression may find it challenging to fall asleep. There are some that may have issues staying asleep. Then, there are those that may find that they wake up too early each day. In addition to this, many patients sleep for long periods of time, or have the desire to sleep than is longer than necessary for their health.
· The appetite is often impacted in a detrimental manner when suffering from depression. Many sufferers simply lack the desire to eat and may lose weight. Contrarily, there are those that eat emotionally and may gain an exceptionally large amount of weight.
· Gastrointestinal complications may be experienced with depression. Examples include frequent heartburn, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal cramping and constipation. In most instances, these issues are not resolved with treatment.
· Those that experience severe depression may find that they experience various types of pain. Many may suffer from headaches, while others feel as if their muscles are extremely sore. Then, there are those that experience cramps in the abdomen.
· When identifying symptoms of depression, it has been found that many individuals suffer from thoughts associated with suicide. In addition to this, attempts to end one's life are also a symptom of the condition.
Recognise The Warning Signs
In addition to recognising, and understanding the symptoms of depression, it is also important to understand the warning signs associated with the condition. Depression is a condition that is associated with an exceptionally high risk of suicide. If you are sufferer, you may or may not be able to recognise whether your thoughts are beginning to stray down that path. There is no shame in it, but it is vital you educate yourself on what it is you are feeling. In doing so, you are better equipped to handle the overwhelming crushing hopelessness that accompanies feelings of depression. If you are a relative or a friend of someone suffering from depression, it is important that you recognize the warning signs for exactly the same reason.
The following highlights the most serious and potentially life-threatening symptoms of depression:
· Many sufferers may seem to obsess about death when they are considering suicide.
· It is common for the extremely depressed to suddenly appear fine and extremely happy. This switch could indicate that they have started making plans to kill themselves, or that the plans are already in place.
· If the depression worsens, it could be a warning sign of suicide.
· Many may start putting their affairs in order, such as creating a will, giving away prized possessions and even saying goodbyes to those that they love or care deeply about.
· Many start engaging in dangerous behaviours, such as drug use, substance abuse, and reckless driving.
· Seeming extremely apathetic and verbally expressing the fact that they would be better off dead, or expressing a strong desire to leave the world are serious depression symptoms.
· Many people that suffer from the symptoms of depression may start to take openly about their desire to commit suicide, or may start to seem curious about or ask questions about suicide.
There are many symptoms of depression. Learning to recognize these symptoms will help you in determining if you or a loved one suffers from this condition. Understanding the medical reasons for why the feelings and thought processes occur is paramount to fighting the disease and overcoming any suicidal tendencies. If these depression symptoms are experienced, it is essential to consult a medical or mental health specialist immediately. There are many types of treatments available for the symptoms of depression, both conventional and unconventional. There are drugs that can be prescribed to curb any serious symptoms and if suicide is the real danger medical professionals should be contacted immediately.
Recognising the symptoms of depression is vital if you, or someone you know, is suffering depression. By recognising, and understanding the signs, you can take steps to ensure the illness can be treated, and managed.