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Showing posts with label How To Be Happy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How To Be Happy. Show all posts

How To Be Happy Without Popping a Pill

Runners grasp this. Shamans create it. Gardeners dig it. Speakers channel it. Gurus know it. What is their secret for being able to cultivate, foster, and embody lasting happiness? They have learned how to raise their frequency and vibrate at a higher hertz.
What do I mean by raising your frequency?
First, we are both body and spirit. Since spirit cannot be seen with the naked eye, spirit is simply another label for energy. If we eat junk food, smoke, lie, and gossip, we are naturally lowering the frequency of our energetic body. This frequency brings conflict, limitation, and stress. If we eat green foods, drink an abundance of water, speak the truth, and celebrate the successes of others as if they were our own, we raise our frequency and embody true happiness.
In Power vs. Force, David Hawkins developed the concept of consciousness frequencies to explain how humanity can raise itself into higher consciousness. The scale of consciousness frequencies runs from 0-1000, 0 being the lowest frequency with a turning point around 200, where we move from self-destructive to life-enhancing experiences. At the bottom of the scale is shame calculated at a frequency of 100, progressing up through apathy, grief, and fear, to anger, pride, and finally, at level 200, to courage. Above this line, beginning with courage, it progresses up to neutrality, acceptance, reason, then further up to love, joy, peace, and finally reaching level 700 embarks on the various states of enlightenment.
Why do people embody shame, undeservedness, or self-destruction when they know it will not lead to happiness? I believe the answer lies in a prescription drug statistic.
In 2002 Express Scripts, one of the largest mail-order pharmaceutical providers in the United States, released their Prescription Drug Atlas, which shows prescription drug order statistics by state. The statistics showed that antidepressant drugs are prescribed in Utah more often than in any other state, at a rate nearly twice the national average. Utah's rate of antidepressant use was twice the rate of California and nearly three times the rates in New York and New Jersey. Since Utah is 70% Mormon, one could deduce that religion does not lead to happiness.
Why does religion fail to lead the masses to lasting happiness? The answer points back to energy. When a person is baptized into a Christian religion, the waters of baptism carry a belief system of unworthiness, undeservedness, shame, fear, and guilt because of the polarity mindset of sin. Those beliefs become an integral part of your energetic body affecting your thoughts and actions on a consciousness and unconscious level. These beliefs become a frequency fence from raising your vibration out of dualistic concepts of sin and righteousness rather than truly seeing yourself as a divine being automatically connected to Source regardless of outside actions.
To truly embody happiness means you are embodying your Higher Self, the person who knows he or she is whole as they are. This is the frequency of growth, success, and new opportunity.
Perhaps you have given up the junk food, cigarettes, gossip, and even exercise but you still do not feel happy. So, how can you be happy without popping a pill or drinking alcohol to chemically induce a fake idea of happiness? The answer is in your DNA. Just as scientists believe that a person's sexual orientation is found in their DNA, so is happiness.
Everything in life, including happiness, is controlled by frequency. The frequency by which you oscillate is determined by your DNA, and dormant DNA can be turned on. Consider activating your DNA to become a happier person and attract a whole new world full of new opportunity, people, places, abundance, and freedom.

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How To Be Happy And Fulfilled At Work

For many it is difficult to stay happy and focused at work. This is because not a lot of people are enjoying what they are really doing. The problem is while you may never enjoy your work, you need compensation for your basic needs. This is the reason why you must learn how to find the right focus and inspiration to become and stay happy at work.
Choosing To Become Happy At Work
The best way to make your work lighter is to become happy at what you do. Being happy is your choice that you must put yourself into. Not everyone is aware on how they can become happy at work. The one key to become happy at work is to choose positivity. Make sure to surround yourself only with the positive things found in your work. Take time to learn and appreciate your efforts and accomplishments.
Meaning you should take out negativity around you. Avoid negative people at work, as well as, gossiping which may affect other people. Remember that even those who are generally positive people can have problems when they are surrounded by negative feelings.
Your Development Helps To Make You Happy At Work
Your professional and personal development plays an enormous role in your happiness at work gauge. According to research, most workers are happier when they see improvement in their work and their personal lives. Sadly, most workplaces involves cutthroat competition.. You need to compete in order to get commended or compensated. To overcome this, you must look out for yourself. Meaning you should take charge of what is going on in your work and in your life. Make sure that you choose a balance between personal and work life. Career growth is directly relevant on how you carry yourself..
Take your time to know what is going on in your work and how you will be able to positively contribute. Surprisingly, even little contribution can be a lot of help for other team members or even an entire department. Being proactive in getting more information will ultimately help your performance.
Become Happy At Work By Doing Something You Love Each Day
A lot of people who are complaining about the kind of job that they have are not happy with whatever they are doing. A good example, why huge corporations are able to keep their employees happy and motivated is by letting them do something they love everyday.. Never limit your choices to your daily tasks, do something that will make you think outside the box..
Keeping yourself happy at work can be a challenge to itself. However, if you try and start thinking positive thoughts you will be able to accomplish this. You will be surprised how happy people are able to improve their lives by simply changing their perspective at work. Though it may not be easy at first, choosing to be happy, helping yourself and doing something you love each day will help you become happier and better at work.

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How to Be Happy Alone

It's not always easy to be happy alone, especially in a world that seems to be dominated by family groups and couples. But being single does have a great deal of advantages and in this article we'll look at how to live a happy life on your own.
Enjoy life
The great benefit of being alone is that you have the ability to do precisely the things you like, you have no requirement to invest time doing the things your partner wants to do, or spending time with their family or friends. Rather, you can spend more time with your own family and friends or doing exactly just what you wish with your time.
If you are creative, you ought to have lots of time to be artistic. It does not matter if it's as an expert or as a pastime, you'll find it extremely rewarding to create something.
Do not dwell on what you have not got
Men and women who have partners may seem blissfully happy, however looks could be deceptive, they have to deal with a different kind of problems, such as arguments with their partners and all the problems that children bring. So be positive and grateful that you do not have those problems to deal with.
Follow your dreams
Men and women with a partner or children may often need to give up on following their dreams, since they really don't have the time any more, or since they should earn money doing a job they hate to feed their children. If you're alone, you should have more time to devote to doing just what you actually desire with your life.
Keep in close touch with your friends and family
Not having a partner might be lonely sometimes, so it's important to keep in close contact with your friends and family. They can provide you with the support network that you need to make it through life's difficult times.
Keep busy
It's good to keep on the go as you don't wish to dwell on being on your own but to make the most of it. So devote time doing hobbies you delight in, or start fresh activities. In addition to being enjoyable and challenging, it should allow you to discover brand-new things and meet new people.
Volunteering is an excellent way to spend your time, since along with helping out a great cause, it will keep you busy, introduce you to new experiences and people, and make you feel great about yourself.
Buy a pet
Even if you have fantastic friends and family, it can sometimes be a bit lonely having no-one to share you home with, and having a pet is terrific way to have some companionship. Dogs are especially great and loyal companions, although they do need looking after and taking for walks. Cats are a lot more self-contained, but still provide fantastic companions.
Searching for a partner
If you're alone, however do not want to be, then make the effort to discover a partner. Keeping yourself busy by doing lots of things should help you encounter like-minded possible partners. Or you could possibly try web dating which brings success to many who try it.
Hope this has given you some help in how to be happy alone

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