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Showing posts with label Healthier Skin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healthier Skin. Show all posts

Shower Water Filters Remove Chlorine For Healthier Skin, Hair, and Lungs

You know how your shower head jets clog up after a time?
 A shower water filter will remove the calcium and other content that causes this. Your jets will remain open. But this is not the real benefit. A shower water filter will improve the health of your skin and hair and ultimately of your whole body.
Did you know that two of the largest organs in your body are your skin and lungs? Chlorine can be absorbed when it comes into contact with your skin and when steam from hot water is breathed in likewise it is absorbed into your lungs. Drinking water filtration is not enough to avoid chlorine being ingested into your body.
Showering in water of a typical American City is like showering in mild bleach. The chlorine in the water will dry your skin and hair. It will make your hair weaker and prone to breakage. For some it doesn't end there, many are allergic and the chlorine and other chemicals can cause acne and other skin conditions. There is also the problem of the chlorine becoming gaseous in the steam of showers and hot water. This can irritate the lungs triggering asthma and other breathing conditions.
Protect Yourself And Your Family
Most of us are conscious of our drinking water. Brita, Pur, and other filters are common. But little consideration is usually given to the affects of these chemicals on the skin where they are absorbed and may cause a variety of maladies. Many have experienced near miracle cures when proper water filtering has been added. This includes drinking, cooking, and bathing water filtering and de-chlorination, de-chemicalization.
Shower water filters screw right on, just before the shower head. Most people can install one in five or ten minutes. Usually only pliers, and possibly some plumbers tape to make the connection water tight, are required.
Usually you will notice within a few days that your hair is softer. In a week or two you'll notice the positive effects on your skin and you'll probably notice that you don't run out of shampoo as often. Shampoos and soaps are more effective without chlorine.
You'll also find that you breathe a little easier in the shower. The chemical gases are filtered out leaving not only the water healthier but also the air you are breathing while you shower.
With whole house home water filtration systems you accomplish all of your filtering in one place but for those on a budget a drinking water filter at the tap and these shower head water filters provide the next best thing.
Shower water filters will make an important difference in your families health. I invite you to visit and find out more about the many benefits of healthy water.